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President's Greeting

CEO 메세지 이미지

“Don’t Ever Tell a Lie”

This is the phrase founder Seo Seong-hwan (Jangwon) would often remark; and since the inception of AMOREPACIFIC, the value of “Integrity” has been its foundation, standing the test of time.

AMOREPACIFIC declared its Management Ethics policy in 2003, externally and internally, and continues to make great strides in fulfilling its societal and ethical calling as a corporate citizen. A representative example is the ‘Code of Ethics,’ which establishes its standard for ethical business decision-making and sets out the principles every employee must observe as a representative of AMOREPACIFIC.

Every year, various activities are carried out in accordance with the Code of Ethics. For instance, the development of management ethics practice guidelines, introduction of management ethics training and campaigns, and the signing of ethics pledges by all AMOREPACIFIC employees within domestic and international subsidiaries.

Additionally, with the implementation of the ‘Anti-bribery Management Systems (ISO 37001),’ an international standard to help organizations tackle corruption, AMOREPACIFIC restructured its corporate culture framework of integrity and transparency. Moreover, AMOREPACIFIC actively encourages the reporting of unethical behavior and reinforces fair processing.

AMOREPACIFIC will continue to contribute to the building of a beautiful and healthy community by upholding our society’s laws and standards and fulfilling its responsibilities and obligations as a member of society.

AMOREPACIFIC desires to steadily win the hearts of customers through its high-quality products and values, and aspires to become a company the society can respect and trust as it cultivates win-win relationships with various stakeholders. This represents AMOREPACIFIC's foundation and continued commitment to conduct business with integrity.

Through the Management Ethics website, we will continue to share AMOREPACIFIC's application and practice of Management Ethics transparently. Your continued support and interest in AMOREPACIFC is invaluable and greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Kim Seung-hwan